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A sleep mask with headphones allows users to listen to brainwave-enhancing audio content while blocking out light and noise for a more restful sleep experience. By combining relaxation-inducing sounds with the comfort of a sleep mask, this device enhance sleep quality and promote deeper relaxation during the night. It is also a great support to fall as sleep faster.

sleep mask with headphones
sleep device

Anxiety heavy blankets are designed to provide deep touch pressure stimulation, a therapeutic technique that applies gentle pressure to the body to promote relaxation.

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The blue light emitted by screens on electronic devices can disrupt your body's production of the sleep hormone melatonin, making it harder to fall asleep. To promote better sleep, try to avoid using smartphones, tablets, computers, and televisions at least an hour before bedtime.


For individuals who find it challenging to avoid electronic devices before bedtime due to work, study, or other reasons, blue light glasses offer a practical alternative to help protect their sleep quality. By wearing these glasses in the hours leading up to bedtime, you can still use your devices while minimising the negative impact of blue light on your circadian rhythm. Blue light glasses are specially designed eyewear that features lenses with a coating that filters out or blocks a portion of the blue light emitted by screens. These glasses work by selectively filtering out blue light wavelengths, particularly those in the range of 400 to 500 nanometers, which are known to have the most disruptive effects on melatonin production and circadian rhythms. 

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A natural sleep remedy - discover how essential  oils can transform your sleep quality.

Read more how to harness the power of essential oils for better sleep and relaxation.


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